Update Address

December 22, 2013 § 2 Comments

Alright!  It is officially done!  I have moved my site, RIGHT in the middle of a very heavily trafficed week (I have always had a knack at timing 😉 )  If you happened to bookmark the link to my old address I just wanted to update it that I am 100% back on at www.MiniMotives.com, no wordpress, please feel free to update your bookmarks and follow along there for all future updates!


§ 2 Responses to Update Address

  • Virginia schrader says:

    Wow. I’ve never read a whole blog before b/c I think their usually redundant and narcissistic, but I did read all of yours and I absolutely loved it. Not sure what I love most…living small, not being dependent on banks, not getting married, a woman fulfilling her own dream by herself, Denny, the baby, the message of love and respect…all of it. I am truly inspired.

    • Macy M says:

      That’s awesome Virginia! Thanks for all the kindness! I tend to agree with you about digging through a blog, sometimes it’s hard not to FEEL narcissistic, I mean ‘it’s writing about me’. I really want it to be more of the projects though! 🙂 To be fair there IS a boy in the picture (even though there very intentionally is no marriage), it was not an immaculate conception 🙂 I just keep him mostly off the blog which the media takes to mean I am single and knocked up :). I am so happy to hear I can be a piece of inspiration! Thank you!


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